Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
August 5, 2014
Attendance- Present at the meeting were, Rodger Timmons (Vice-President), John Rudolph (Treasurer), Don Gainey (Rules Chairman), Les Shope (Tournament Chairman), Bryce Harvey, Rick Johnson, Dallas Johnson, Billy Owens, Mike Thomas, Justin Sutton, Van Sutton, Kevin Copland, Lou Comer (P) and John Vickers.
Absent from the meeting were: Dick Durbin (President), John Beal, Charlie Melton, Patrick Dooley, Jim Hughey (IM), Fred Jones (Honorary Member), Larry Morris (IM), Jason Meredith Marty Spears, Dusty Stacy and Brooks Woodward .
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Rodger Timmons at 7:30 PM.. Rodger passed around the Agenda for the meeting and asked for any additions or deletions. Hearing none he proceeded with the meeting. Rodger stated that the minutes were posted on the Club website and asked if there were any changes. Hearing none he asked for a vote approving the minutes as posed. Justin Sutton moved to approve the minutes John Vickers seconded and the minutes were approved as amended.
Financial Report- Treasurer John Rudolph presented the financial report of the Club. There was $2,586.26 in the bank, $50.46 cash on hand, $1,286.12 in credits for a total of $1,350.60. Roger asked for a motion to approve the Financial Report, Rick Johnson made the motion to approve and Don Gainey seconded, and the Club voted in favor of the Financial Report. A discussion ensured involving the expenses of the Club for helping the kids at the Wallwood Boy Scout camp. John Vickers made a motion for the Treasure to pay for any expenses associated with providing bait or fish attractant for the kids fishing. Don Gainey seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Introduction of Guests- None
New Business- Vote on Lou Comer to become a member- After Lou was escorted outside, those members who fished with Lou were asked to talk. After a full discussion about Lou, the club voted in favor of making Lou a member of the Club and he was invited back in and told what he needed to pay to become a member. Lou immediately paid his dues to the Treasurer.
Election of Secretary- Rodger Timmons reminded the Club that Larry Morris had to step down as Secretary at the last meeting and that the club needed someone to step forward to take over Larry’s remaining term as Secretary, which ends in October of this year. Rodger asked if anyone wanted to volunteer to take over Larry’s remaining term. After much discussion, John Vickers volunteered to serve as Secretary. Roger asked for any other nominations and after hearing none the Club voted for John Vickers to serve as Secretary of the Club for the remainder of Larry’s term.. 
Old Business-Report on fishing with the kids at Wallwood Boy Scout Camp- John Rudolph reported that Rodger Timmons and Dorice Timmons signed up for every weekend and Dorice took pictures and posted an album on Facebook. Dallas and Marty along with Jerry Kelley drove the kids around in two pontoon boats while the rest of us worked with the kids to teach them how to fish. We were assisted by Boy Scouts who helped the kids fish and their leader helped the kids catch more fish than we did. We have one last meeting which will be this Saturday and we have Billy Owens bringing his pontoon boat, Charlie Melton has tentatively agreed to come and Rodger, Dorice and Rudolph will be there helping the kids. Roger and John shared with the Club some of the stories about the kids and how this was one of the best projects the club has done. The members were invited to come out and help. The first group will be there at 9:30 AM and it will go until lunch. Members are invited to have lunch with the kids. The second session starts at 2:30 and will last until 5, depending on weather.
Club Tournament Activities
Tournament Information- Tournament Chairman, Les Shope, reported on the tournament in Talquin. He read the top ten and went over the Standings for Bassman of the Year. Les also brought up that if the Club was going to fish out of Sneads we would have to get permits. So there were three locations voted on- Wingates, Bainbridge Boat Basin, and Sneads park/Seminole lodge. After much discussion, Wingates was set as the launch point. Then the Club voted on the end time and 4:00 PM EST won. The day of the tournament will be Saturday, August 23, 2014.
Rodger reported the next meeting of the Club would be Tuesday August 19, 2014 at 7:30 at Beef O’Bradys
Next tournament will be at Lake Seminole on August 23 at Wingate’s landing, from safe daylight until 4:00 PM, EST.
The last weekend to help at the Boy Scout camp is this Saturday from 9:30 AM to 12 noon or 2:30 PM to 4 PM unless it rains.
Dollar pot- won by Justin Sutton.
John Vickers moved to adjourn the meeting, Dallas Johnson seconded and the Club voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 PM.