Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
December 16, 2014
Attendance: Lou Comer, Les Shope, Dick Durbin, Billy Owens, John Beal, Van Sutton, Justin Sutton, Rick Johnson, Dallas Johnson, Don Gainey, Roger Timmons, John Vickers, Kevin Copland, John Rudolph, Bryce Harvey.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by Presedent Dick Durbin.
Minutes: The minutes from the December 2, 2014 meeting were approved as posted on the Club web site.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer John Rudolph presented the Treasurer’s Report.
In The Bank:
Total available: $1241.93
Treasurer Rudolph explained that the account balance reflected expenses paid over the past few weeks. He also indicated that he had deducted 2015 dues from credits of members.
The Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
Guests: Wayne Bennett, sponsored by Les Shope, pledged the Club. Wayne told the Club about himself and why he wanted to become a member.
President Dick Durbin conducted a secret ballot vote for the 2014 Sportsman of the Year award.
New Business: There was no new business.
Old Business: Entertainment Chairman Marty Spears sent word that the plantation is busier than expected with paid hunts. Our original date for the banquet had already been cancelled because of a booking and the first possible date we might get the plantation was the first Sunday in February. Billy Owens offered the use of his lake house for the banquet. A motion carried to move the Club Banquet to Billy’s lake house, to be held on Saturday, January 10, 2015. We will eat at 2:00 PM.
Club Classic: Tournament Director Les Shope confirmed we have reservations for Friday and Saturday nights, January 23 and 24, 2015, at Bill’s Fish Camp, in Suwannee, Florida. He also confirmed the price of the cabins at $65 per night for 2 people and $5 per night for each additional person.
There was an Executive Board meeting held before the Club meeting to develop and approve the proposed 2015 tournament schedule. Tournament Director presented the proposed schedule as follows:
January 23-25
February 20-22
Apalachicola (Bay City Lodge)
March 21
Lake Jackson
April 24-26
Lake Eufaula
May 23
Lake Talquin
June 20
Lake Seminole
August 22
Lake Jackson
September 19
Lake Seminole
October 23-25
Lake Blackshear (Veterans State Park)
November 7
Top 10 (location to be determined)
There was a contingency plan approved by the Board for the Lake Jackson and Lake Blackshear tournaments. If Lake Jackson is not fishable on March 21 the location will be changed to Lake Seminole. If Lake Jackson is not fishable on August 22 the location will be changed to lake Talquin. If we can not get reservations for the cabins at Veterans State Park, on Lake Blackshear, for October 23 and 24 the location will be changed to Lake Eufaula, on the south end of the lake, if possible.
Van Sutton won the dollar pot.
The meeting adjourned at 7:54 PM.