Meeting Minutes
February 4, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Vice-President Rodger Timmons, in the absence of President Dick Durbin.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Gainey, Billy Owens, Rodger Timmons, Mike Thomas, John Rudolph, Dusty Stacy, Larry Morris, John Vickers, Les Shope, Jason Meredith, Justin Sutton, Marty Spears, Dallas Johnson, Bryce Harvey (P).
MEETING AGENDA: The meeting agenda was reviewed. It was accepted by general consensus.
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Larry Morris advised that the minutes from the meeting of 01/21/2014 had been posted on the web site. Rodger Timmons asked if there were any changes. There were none. Justin Sutton moved to accept the minutes as posted; Jason Meredith seconded the motion. The motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer John Rudolph provided the following treasurer’s report:
On Hand
$ 197.65
Jason Meredith moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Larry Morris seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: There were no guests at this meeting.
John Rudolph advised that the club’s checking account had been moved to Farmers & Merchants Bank, where we will not be charged a monthly fee even if we do not use the debit card. He also noted that, whether the account was moved or not, we were required to file a fictitious name. This was advertised in the Tallahassee Democrat, as required by law. It was then filed with the Secretary of State’s office. John also announced that Bob McCann’s ashes would be spread on Lake Talquin on 03/08/14. We hope to have the club well-represented as Bob’s remains are laid to rest in the spot where he caught the largest bass of his life.
John Rudolph announced that he had spoken to Brooks, who has been in touch with the manufacturer. The told him the jerseys would be shipped in 2 – 3 weeks. Brooks told them that we have a tournament coming up on the 22nd; they said they would try to have them shipped within 2 weeks. Marty Spears announced that the banquet would be held on 02/15/14 at the same location it was to have been held earlier.
Tournament chairman Les Shope announced that he is trying to finalize the rooms at Bay City Lodge for the upcoming tournament scheduled for 02/21 – 23/14. The way it looks now, we will have 18 – 20 people fishing. Les also announced that he has already obtained the permits for the first Lake Talquin tournament, which is scheduled for 05/24/14.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rodger announced that the next meeting is scheduled for 02/18/14. He also announced that the next tournament will be on 02/21 – 23/14. Dallas Johnson announced that David Heflin is “de-pledging” the club. He said that David had originally wanted to get into the Quincy club, and had finally been invited to join them. We wish David well.
DOLLAR POT: The dollar pot was won by Bryce Harvey. That’s two in a row!!
ADJOURN: There being no further business, Justin Sutton moved that the meeting be adjourned; this motion was seconded by Jason Meredith. The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m.