Meeting Minutes – 02/18/14
The meeting was called to order at 7:43 p.m. by President Dick Durbin.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Gainey, John Meal, Jason Meredith, Billy Owens, John Rudolph, Dick Durbin, John Vickers, Mike Thomas, Les Shope, Larry Morris, Dallas Johnson, Marty Spears, Dusty Stacy, Brooks Woodward, Justin Sutton, Patrick Dooley, Bryce Harvey (P).
MEETING AGENDA: The meeting agenda was reviewed. It was accepted by general consensus.
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Dick Durbin advised that the minutes from the meeting of 02/04/2014 had been posted on the web site. He asked if there were any changes. There were none. Jason Meredith moved to accept the minutes as posted; Marty Spears seconded the motion. The motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer John Rudolph provided the following treasurer’s report:
On Hand:
$ 197.65
Checking: $2,830.88
Justin Sutton moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Jason Meredith seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: There were no guests at this meeting.
Patrick Dooley announced that Charlie Melton has been having some health issues. That is the reason he has not been at a meeting in a while. Charlie will not be fishing Saturday, but does plan to fish the local tournaments.
There was some discussion about Rodger Timmons, and the fact that he had sustained a rather severe cut on his left arm. He was at the banquet but, due to this cut, he will not be fishing the tournament. We wish both Charlie and Rodger a speedy recovery.
Dick Durbin commented on the banquet, and the fact that it was a good time for everyone, and that there was plenty of really good food. Marty was given a hearty thank you for his role in obtaining the site and preparing the meat.
Sportsman of the Year:
The Sportsman of the year award is presented at the banquet each year. This year, the award went to Rick Johnson, who was not at the banquet due to his required presence at a baby shower. Rick said that he is more afraid of his mother-in-law than he is anyone in the club. Marty said that, because of the reason for Rick’s absence, he was going to have to give up his “man card” for a year.
Brooks announced that he had spoken with someone at the company the jerseys were ordered from. They told him we should have them “soon”; Brooks is hopeful for 1 – 2 weeks.
Tournament chairman Les Shope announced that he has finalized the rooms at Bay City Lodge for the upcoming tournament on 02/21 – 23/14. Pairings were drawn, and went as follows
Justin Sutton
Van Sutton
Les Shope
Bryce Harvey
Larry Morris
Marty Spears
Rick Johnson
Jason Meredith
Mike Thomas
Don Gainey
Brooks Woodward
Patrick Dooley
Dick Durbin
Dallas Johnson
John Vickers -

Billy Owens
John Rudolph
By majority vote of the membership, the tournament is scheduled from safe daylight to 3:00 p.m. EST.
Prior to the draw, John Rudolph requested that he be allowed to fish by himself, and go out last. His daughter is due to have her baby on Sunday. This was accommodated. Also, Marty Spears advised that his boat is in the shop; he hopes it will be ready for the tournament. If it is ready, Marty will fish from his boat and go out last.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dick announced that the next meeting is scheduled for 3/4/14.
DOLLAR POT: The dollar pot was won by Patrick Dooley.
ADJOURN: There being no further business, John Vickers moved that the meeting be adjourned; this motion was seconded by Dallas Johnson. The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m.