Meeting Minutes – 01/07/14
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Dick Durbin.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Justin Sutton, Jason Meredith, Dusty Stacy, Billy Owens, Rodger Timmons, Dick Durbin, Rick Johnson, John Vickers, John Rudolph, John Beal, Brooks Woodward, Dallas Johnson, Marty Spears, Mike Thomas, Les Shope, Larry Morris, David Heflin (P), Bryce Harvey (P), Van Sutton (P).
MEETING AGENDA: The meeting agenda was reviewed. It was accepted by general consensus.
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Dick Durbin advised that we did not have a quorum at the 12/17/2013 meeting, so there was no official meeting. The minutes from the meeting of 12/03/2013 had been posted on the web site, and Dick asked if there were any changes. There were none. John Rudolph moved that the minutes be accepted as posted; Justin Sutton seconded the motion. The motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Rick Johnson provided the following treasurer’s report:
On Hand:
$ 606.48
Checking: $2,327.23
$ 992.41
Billy Owens moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Jason Meredith seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Van Sutton, father of Justin, has been a guest at several meetings. He finally decided to pledge the club. Welcome, Van!!!
Definition of inactive membership: Dick Durbin read the proposed change to the by-laws that defines an inactive member. There was much discussion on this topic, as some of the membership read it one way, and some another way. Billy Owens moved that the change be accepted; Dallas Johnson seconded the motion. After several more minutes of discussion, President Dick Durbin called for a vote. The motion carried with a majority vote.
2014 Tournament Schedule: Les Shope presented the proposed 2014 tournament schedule. There was some discussion, but overall the membership appeared to approve. John Rudolph moved that the tournament schedule be accepted; Marty Spears seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Banquet: Marty Spears briefly covered the upcoming banquet. The banquet will be held once again at Cedars Farm Plantation in Georgia. Marty will be cooking smoked pork chops. The date of the banquet is 01/11/2013. The meal will be at 5:00, but members can come at any time.
Jerseys: Brooks Woodward stated that the jerseys had been ordered, and were probably 4 weeks out at that time. Rick Johnson had sent emails to all members that wanted to add their name to the jersey, and/or had ordered a second jersey. Brooks was under the impression that the club’s credit card would not be charged until the jerseys were shipped, but Rick advised after the meeting that the charge has already shown up.
There was no tournament chairman’s report, as there has not been a tournament since the last meeting. However, there was some discussion on the upcoming Classic. It will be held on Kissimmee Lake, out of Camp Mack, on January 18th and 19th. Marty mentioned that he had rented a house/cabin at Camp Mack, and there was room for one more person there. There was also discussion on eating establishments, etc.
Lunker and Heaviest Stringer Awards: It was brought up by Rick Johnson that, for the past two years, the club had neglected to provide the award for the Lunker of the Year and the Heaviest Stringer of the Year. John Vickers stated that, previously, the awards were either a plaque or $25.00. Rick Johnson brought up that, if the awards were given, it should be retroactive to 2012. John Vickers moved that these awards be provided; Dallas Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Thank-you Gift to Owner of Cedars Farm Plantation: Marty Spears brought up the fact that, last year, the club provided $100.00, which he used to buy fishing tackle as a thank-you gift to the owner of the plantation. This was done because he has not been charging us for the use of the facility for the banquet. Larry Morris moved that the same thing be done this year; Rodger Timmons seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Bob McCann: John Rudolph brought up the death of Bob McCann, a club member since the mid-70s. Bob passed away a week ago due to cancer. He will be greatly missed. Bob had an interesting outlook on a lot of things. John mentioned the fact that Bob had spent a good deal of his life as a professional musician, opening for Janis Joplin and playing with the Allman Brothers before they were famous. Bob’s body was cremated, and his mother has asked that the club spread his ashes on Lake Talquin. John mentioned that Bob’s birthday is coming up soon, and we may want to consider doing this on that date. He also mentioned that there may be quite a few other people who would like to be there. David Heflin offered the use of a pontoon boat for this event.
DOLLAR POT: The dollar pot was won by Van Sutton.
ADJOURN: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by general consensus at 8:35 p.m.