Meeting Minutes – 06/1/14
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Dick Durbin.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Gainey, John Dallas Johnson, Billy Owens, Dick Durbin, John Rudolph, Bryce Harvey, Mike Thomas, John Vickers, Les Shope, Rick Johnson, Larry Morris.
MEETING AGENDA: The meeting agenda was reviewed. It was accepted by general consensus.
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Dick Durbin advised that the minutes of the 05/20/2014 meeting had been posted on the web site. He asked if there were any changes. There were none. John Rudolph moved to accept the minutes as posted; Bryce Harvey seconded the motion. The motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer John Rudolph provided the following treasurer’s report:
On Hand:
$ 96.46
Checking: $2,661.86
Larry Morris moved to accept the treasurer’s report; John Vickers seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: There were no guests present at this meeting.
Dick Durbin brought up Rodger Timmons’ resignation from the club. This leaves the office of Vice-President vacant at this time. John Vickers volunteered to fill the position until the end of the term. Mike Thomas officially nominated John for the position; Dallas Johnson seconded the nomination. The appointment of John Vickers to fill the remainder of Rodgers term passed.
The next order of business was voting in two pledges as new members. They are Van Sutton and Kevin Copland. After discussion from members who had fished with these pledges, Dick asked for motions to accept them as members. John Rudolph moved to accept Van Sutton; Larry Morris seconded the motion. Van was accepted. Larry Morris moved to accept Kevin Copland; Rick Johnson seconded the motion. Kevin was also accepted as a new member. Congratulations to both new members.
John Rudolph brought up the recently revised rule regarding inactive membership. Originally, Billy Owens had presented the motion to revise the rule. Unbeknownst to the membership, Billy had not paid his dues at that time. For this reason, he was ineligible to present motions dealing with club business. For this reason, this change to the by-laws will have to be revisited. It is planned to do this at the next meeting.
John Rudolph stated that he had received a call regarding the club again assisting with the handicapped persons who will be at Wallwood Scout Camp this summer. This beginning date for this is 07/20/2014. There appears to be some interest by club members. This will be discussed in more detail at a later date.
There was no old business to be discussed at this meeting.
Tournament chairman Les Shope presented the results of the Lake Talquin tournament held on 05/24/2014.
Les Shope
Justin Sutton
Don Gainey
The Deer Point Lake tournament, scheduled for the weekend of 06/21/2014 was also discussed. It was brought up that, although this is a fairly close lake to fish, it was considered one of out out-of-town tournaments for this year. There was discussion concerning the date of the tournament. Several of the members expressed concern that they had never been on the lake, and would like to pre-fish for the tournament. However, they are unable to get off work for this. John Vickers moved that the tournament be held on Sunday, 06/22/2014 rather than on Saturday, 06/21/2014. Mike Thomas seconded this motion. The motion carried. As far as times, John Rudolph moved that the tournament be from safe daylight to 3:00 EDT. Les Shope seconded the motion. This motion also passed.
There also was discussion regarding places for the members to stay, if they were able to go on either Friday or Saturday. Les mentioned that there are a few hotels where they stayed when he was fishing with his prior club. Mike Thomas brought up that the hotels in the area are now charging summer rates, so we will be looking at room rates in excess of $100.00 per night.
The dollar pot was won by Bryce Harvey.
There being no further business to come before the club, Dallas Johnson moved that the meeting be adjourned; John Vickers seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 p.m.