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Meeting Minutes – 06/17/14

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Dick Durbin.  

MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Gainey, Billy Owens, Dick Durbin, John Rudolph, John Vickers, Mike Thomas, Les Shope, Rick Johnson, Larry Morris, Dusty Stacy, Brooks Woodward, Justin Sutton, John Beal, Phong Nguyen (p), Lou Comer (p).

MEETING AGENDA: The meeting agenda was reviewed. It was accepted by general consensus.

PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Dick Durbin advised that the minutes of the 06/03/2014 meeting had been posted on the web site. Some of the members had not had a chance to review them, so Dick read the minutes. He asked if there were any changes. There were none. John Rudolph moved to accept the minutes as posted; John Vickers seconded the motion. The motion passed.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer John Rudolph provided the following treasurer’s report:
On Hand: $ 151.46
Checking: $2,536.26
Credits: $1,421.62
Balance: $1,266.10
Justin Sutton moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Rick Johnson seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: There were no guests present at this meeting.

There was no old business to be discussed at this meeting

Dick Durbin brought up the vacant post of Vice-President. We were scheduled to elect a replacement at this meeting; however we did not have a 70% majority of the membership present. We will attempt this at the next meeting.

There was some additional discussion on the change in the by-laws for inactive members. This was originally presented as a way to make it easier for us to have a 70% majority present at the meetings. Some members do not see the need to change the way it is currently written. Others feel that some minor changes to the proposal may be in order. We will hopefully be able to get this settled at the next meeting.

Tournament chairman Les Shope conducted the drawing for partners for the Deer Point Lake tournament to be held on Sunday, 06/22/13. They are as follows:
1)John BealLou Comer
2)John VickersJustin Sutton
3)Rick JohnsonDusty Stacy
4)Brooks WoodwardDon Gainey
5)Mike ThomasBilly Owens
6)John RudolphDick Durbin
7)Larry MorrisLes Shope
Les had already obtained the permits for this tournament, so he passed them out. He also advised that he had been in touch with the Super 8 hotel, and was able to get us a rate of $79.88 per room, per night.

The dollar pot was won by John Beal.

There being no further business to come before the club, Don Gainey moved that the meeting be adjourned; John Rudolph seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m.