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Meeting Minutes
March 18, 2014



The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by President Dick Durbin. 

MEMBERS PRESENT:  John Beal, Rodger Timmons, Patrick Dooley, Dallas Johnson, John Rudolph, Dick Durbin, Charlie Melton, Don Gainey, Les Shope, Larry Morris, Rick Johnson, Mike Thomas, Dusty Stacy, Justin Sutton, Brooks Woodward, Kevin Copland (P), Bryce Harvey (P).

MEETING AGENDA:  The meeting agenda was reviewed.  It was accepted by general consensus.

PRIOR MEETING MINUTES:  Dick Durbin advised that the minutes from the meeting of 03/04/2014 had been posted on the web site.  He asked if there were any changes.  Dusty Stacy noted that the next meeting date was stated as being 03/17/2014, rather than 03/18/2014.  Dick Durbin advised he would make that change on the copy on our website.  Justin Sutton moved to accept the minutes as amended; Les Shope seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Treasurer John Rudolph provided the following treasurer’s report:

On Hand:             $     66.46

Checking:           $ 2,548.73

Credits:               $ 1,572.33

Balance:              $ 1,242.86

Rodger Timmons moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Patrick Dooley seconded the motion.  The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  There were no guests at this meeting.


Cookout:           Charlie Melton stated that, since did not have a cookout last year, he thinks we should have at least one this year, and maybe two.  He would like to have one before the heat gets too oppressive.  Dusty Stacy said that there is a park near the dam that could be rented for $50.00 or so, where we could do this.  Charlie is going to get with Entertainment Chairman Marty Spears to pursue this.


Jerseys:            They jerseys finally came in.  Rick passed them out to the members that were present at the meeting.  He will be contacting the members that weren’t there to arrange to get their jersey to them.


Tournament chairman Les Shope conducted the draw for the upcoming tournament to be held on Lake Seminole.  The tournament is scheduled for Saturday, 3/22/14, and will be out of Wingate’s Lodge.  Times are safe daylight to 4:00 p.m.  Pairings are as follows:          

1)      Justin Sutton                                     Kevin Copland

2)      Billy Owens                                       Bryce Harvey

3)      Dallas Johnson                                 Van Sutton

4)      Mike Thomas                                    Jim Hughey

5)      Brooks Woodward                          Dusty Stacy

6)      John Rudolph                                    Patrick Dooley

7)      John Vickers                                      Cody Carnline

8)      Marty Spears                                    Les Shope

9)      John Beal                                           Don Gainey

10)   Dick Durbin                                       Rick Johnson

11)   Rodger Timmons

Rick Johnson requested that, since he had drawn out with Dick Durbin, and he knew Dick was bringing his boat, that he be allowed to bring his Dad as a guest fisherman.  This request was granted by consensus.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Dick announced that the next meeting is scheduled for 04/01/14. 

DOLLAR POT:  The dollar pot was won by John Beal. 

ADJOURN:  There being no further business, Dallas Johnson moved that the meeting be adjourned; this motion was seconded by Rick Johnson.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m.