Meeting Minutes – 05/20/14
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Dick Durbin.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Gainey, John Rudolph, Billy Owens, Rodger Timmons, Dick Durbin, Mike Thomas, John Vickers, Dusty Stacy, Justin Sutton, Patrick Dooley, Risk Johnson, Larry Morris, John Beal, Les Shope, Bryce Harvey (p), Phong Nguyen (p), Kevin Copland (p).
MEETING AGENDA: The meeting agenda was reviewed. It was accepted by general consensus.
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Dick Durbin advised that there was no official meeting on 05/06/2014, as we did not have a quorum of members at the meeting. He advised that the minutes of the 04/15/2014 meeting had been posted on the web site. He asked if there were any changes. There were none. Justin Sutton moved to accept the minutes as posted; John Beal seconded the motion. The motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer John Rudolph provided the following treasurer’s report:
On Hand:
$ 101.46
Checking: $2,601.86
$ 914.03
John Vickers moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Patrick Dooley seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Lou Comer was at the meeting as a guest, and pledged before the end of the meeting. He plans to fish the upcoming Lake Talquin tournament.
Bryce Harvey was unanimously voted in as a new member.
Phong Nguyen gave an informative presentation on some of what is going on with the black bass studies being conducted by the Florida Game & Fish Commission..
John Rudolph brought up the memorial for Bob McCann. The plan now is to have the memorial at the end of the Lake Talquin tournament on May 24, 2014. It was decided that the members would all meet at the specified area at 3:00, scatter the ashes, and then proceed to the weigh-in. This was agreed to by all members.
Tournament chairman Les Shope presented the results of the Lake Eufala tournament held on 04/19/2014. Of the 14 fishermen, there were 10 limits weighed in.
Dick Durbin
John Vickers
Marty Spears
Les also conducted the draw for the upcoming tournament to be held on Lake Talquin. The tournament is scheduled for 05/24/2014. Times are safe daylight to 4:00 p.m. EDT. Pairings are as follows:
John Vickers
Lou Comer
John Rudolph
Kevin Copland
Brooks Woodward
Bryce Harvey
Rick Johnson - 
Don Gainey
Billy Owens
Patrick Dooley
Justin Sutton
Jim Hughey

Dick Durbin
Dusty Stacy
Mike Thomas
Rodger Timmons
John Beal
Mary Spears
Dallas Johnson
It should be noted that, prior to the draw, Dick Durbin mentioned that he had received an email from Marty Spears. Marty and Dallas were both out of town with Cody, who was fishing a college tour tournament. They asked if they could be scheduled out last, and to fish with each other. That way, if Cody and his partner were high enough in the standing that they fished on Saturday, Marty and Dallas could stay without causing any hardship to another club member. This was agreed to. 

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dick announced that the next meeting is scheduled for 06/03/14.
DOLLAR POT: The dollar pot was won by John Rudolph.
ADJOURN: There being no further business, Justin Sutton moved that the meeting be adjourned; this motion was seconded by Bryce Harvey. The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m.