Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
September 16, 2014
Attendance: Mike Thomas, Rick Johnson, Justin Sutton, John Rudolph, John Vickers, Billy Owens, Van Sutton, Dick Durbin, Marty Spears, Dallas Johnson, Lou Comer, Les Shope, Roger Timmons, Don Gainey.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by President Dick Durbin.
A motion carried to waive the reading of the minutes from the September 2, 2014 meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer John Rudolph presented the treasurer’s report as follows:
Checking Account Balance:
Member Credits:
Available Balance:
New Business: There was a brief discussion about the possible location for the top 10 fish off. This was tabled until the next meeting.
John Rudolph suggested we start thinking about new officer elections. He noted several of the current officers are serving their second term and those offices would have to be filled. Officer election is to be held the first meeting of October (next meeting)
Old Business: There was no old business.
The dollar pot was won by Dallas Johnson.
The floor was turned over to Tournament Chairman Les Shope to conduct the draw for the Lake Talquin Tournament to be held this Saturday, September 20, 2014, out of Williams Landing, from safe daylight until 4:00 PM.
Partner pairing:
John Rudolph/Lou Comer
Dick Durbin/Van Sutton
Dallas Johnson/Bryce Harvey
John Vickers/Don Gainey
Mike Thomas/Rick Johnson
Justin Sutton/Marty Spears
Billy Owens/
John Beal
Roger Timmons/Les Shope
Les handed out permits for the tournament. He also collected for the big fish pot.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.