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Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
September 2, 2014

Attendance: Don Gainey, Billy Owens, Kevin Copland, Roger Timmons, Dick Durbin, John Rudolph, Les Shope, Mike Thomas, Rick Johnson, John Vickers, Justin Sutton, Dusty Stacy
The meeting was called to order by President Dick Durbin at 7:30 Pm.
Minutes: The motion was made and carried that the reading of the minutes from the August 19, 2014 meeting be waived.

Financial Report: John Rudolph (Treasurer) reported there is $120.46 cash on hand, $2586.26 in the checking account, $1398.71 of which is member credits. This leaves an available balance of $1308.01 in the Club Treasury.

There were no guests.

New Business: There was no new business.

Old Business: John Rudolph (Treasurer) reported that the bill for the supplies used for fishing with the kids at Wallwood is paid.

Les Shope reported on the August 23, 2014 Tournament on Lake Seminole.
1st Place: Brooks Woodward
2nd Place: Rick “Little Fish” Johnson
3rd Place: Van Sutton
Big Fish: Kevin Copland

Les Shope (Tournament Director) voiced the need to set the location and time for the September 20, 2014 Tournament on Lake Talquin.

John Vickers noted that a proxy had been sent out for members not present to vote on the location and time for this tournament. He then pointed out that according to the “General Tournament Rules and Regulations”, Paragraph 1: Tournament Scheduling: “There need not be a quorum present to set up a regularly scheduled tournament.” Therefore the proxy is not necessary.

The Club voted to have the tournament out of Williams Landing, Saturday, September 20, 2014, from safe daylight until 4:00 PM.

John Rudolph commented that He, Billy Owens, and John Vickers attended the funeral for Fred Jones’ Mother. He pointed out that the Club usually sends flowers in these cases, however, Fred’s family had requested donations be made to The Florida Baptist Children’s Home in lieu of flowers. John Vickers moved the Club donate $100 to The Florida Baptist Children’s Home. The motion carried. John Rudolph (Treasurer) will send the donation.

Kevin Copland won the dollar pot.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.